Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Letter 138- October 21, 1944

October 21, 1944

Dear Mudder and Dad,

I don’t have a “hellova” lot of time to write tonight. I just got off of K.P. and it’s pretty late. It was an easy day, but I had to get up at 3:30 a.m. It was silly too. There was no reason in the world why I shouldn’t have slept until 5:00 anyway but you know the army “Hurry up and wait.” By the way, have you heard the “daffynition” of a chow line? It’s the man behind the man behind the man, etc., etc. I’ve got a couple cartoons I’m going to put a couple of cartoons. That last sentence shows what the E.T.O. has done to me. Another few months and they’ll send me home a babbling idiot with a section eight. Anyhow I think you’re acquainted with the “Sad Sack” but I don’t know if you know his erstwhile contemporary, “Hubert”.

I have to go over and see if I can buy some stationary before the P.X. closes that is if it hasn’t shut down already.

We’re all pretty jubalent? jubilunt? jubilent? (None of ‘em look right) over the news of the invasion of the Phillipines? Philippines? (Why can’t I learn to spell?) The papers over here with the exception of the ‘Stars and Stripes” hardly mention it, but we understand it’s really big and months ahead of schedule.

How’s the campaign coming? That does it. I’ll write again tomorrow.

Best Love,


  1. The Sad Sack's experience was not too far from the truth. After Paris was liberated it became the center of logistics for the European theater, not only because it was at the center of the road and rail network, but because it was a cushy billet. According to Stephen Ambrose, Eisenhower told the support troops to stay out of Paris. The services and supply commander (a "crook" according to Ambrose) ignored the order and took over Paris for his command. Paris was largely untouched by the fighting and full of grateful Parisiennes. Because of the supply people combat troops on furlough had no place to stay.

  2. The Sad Sack, along with Hubert and Bill Mauldin's Willie and Joe seem to be the embodiment of the frustrations and absurdities of life for the common G.I. during WWII.


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