France November 26, 1944
Dear Mudder and Dad,
I figure I’ll write this so that you’ll be sure and get my new address.
Dear Mudder and Dad,
I figure I’ll write this so that you’ll be sure and get my new address.
Co. “A” 399th. Inf. A.P.O. 447
c/o P.M. New York, N.Y.
This is about the forth letter I’ve sent with this address. I know damned well that at least one should get through pretty fast. I’ll try and send this one Airmail Special.
Well, things are beginning to speed up again over here. Everyone is talking about getting the war over by Christmas. I hope so, but after the letdown we got in Sept.when everyone thought there was nothing left but the cheering has left me a little wary.
The weather is as bad as ever. It’s too bad because everyone thinks that a couple of weeks of bombing weather would just about wash Jerry up.
I wonder where Hitler is? That’s becoming a big question. I wonder if those dumb Krauts ever think about it.
The other day I got my first bath in France. Wow! Did I need it. Facilities over here are not all that’s desired. There’s at least on consolation. Everyone else is just as dirty as me.
When the war is over there’s one thing I don’t want you to mention and that’s a “40 and 8”. If I never hear one of those rattletraps again it’ll be too soon.
That about does it. I feel well and “stuff like that there”. Please write as soon as possible.
Best Love
As near as I can tell Bill writes this letter from either Neiderhaslach or Oberhaslach.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the regimental history, "This advance was so brilliant as to receive a commendation from Maj. Gen. Withers A. Burress, the 1st Bn’s. second commendation within ten days." Commendations usually come after heavy fighting.
Pg. 18 of "Able in Combat" the official history of Bill's company states, "there were no complaints when trucks arrived to take the Company to the rear the next morning (Nov. 26). Company A settled temporarily in Moyenmoutiers, where clean clothes and hot food were available. Sleeping and letter writing filled the day..."
ReplyDeletePage 19 continues...."On 28 November...Company A. moved into Schneckenbush, a small town outside Saarbourg, where it rested and was STRENGTHENED BY REPLACEMENTS. For four days the men took things easy."
This possibly indicates that Bill was still in transit on the date of this letter (26 Nov.), but makes it certain that the next letter, written of 29 November was written from Schneckenbush.