Saturday, November 7, 2009

Letter 151- November 24, 1944

November 24, 1944
(France V-Mail)

Dear Mudder and Dad,

You see again it’s been quite some time since I’ve been able to write you. By the address you’ll see that I’ve moved again. I’ll be moving again soon but by the time you get this letter I probably will be with a regular outfit. Don’t write this address as my next letter will probably give my permanent A.P.O, etc.

I can say, however, that I’m with the Seventh Army. They’ll probably censor that but I was told it was O.K.

Had a pretty nice Thanksgiving yesterday—no kidding. All the turkey and trimmings I could eat and an orchestra to boot. I also went to church and a movie in the evening. Not bad for France, Huh? Almost a month since I got any mail from you. Sure’ll be glad when it catches up with me.



  1. Any clue from Bill's address where he is?

  2. The address on this letter is:

    G.F.R.S Pool A.P.O. 776
    c/o P.M. NYC, NY.

    Beginning with the next letter Bill will be attached to his regular unit and we will be able to track his movements using the unit histories. His mailing address will then remain the same through the end of active combat.

  3. Could G.F.R.S. stand for Givet,France Replacement Soldier?


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