Saturday, June 5, 2010

Letter 232- August 27-28, 1945

August 27, 1945
(Derdingen, Ger.)

Dear Mudder and Dad,

I haven’t written for several days due to the lack of incoming mail. Yesterday, however, I did get a letter from you, Dad, and so I’m writing. There’s a new point rearrangement coming out and if all goes well I’ll get 52 points out of it; 5 points for a new battle star and 8 points from V-E to V-J Day plus the 39 points I have now. Because of this I won’t be able to send you that authorization for ribbons, etc. Besides I’m still battling for that Expert Rifleman badge. It’s a losing battle, I’m afraid.

August 28, 1945

Dear Folks,

Today we got word from the Adjutant General’s Office that the 100th is in Occupation. That’s the worst news I’ve heard since the last attack was ordered. Under the present setup it means that we may be stuck over here for an indefinite period of time. The War Dept. is determined to have the A. of O. and the Congress is determined to halt the draft. The only answer is that we’re stuck for a “Prolonged Period of Time”, forever maybe? We are all furious. It seems that the more you fought the less credit you get. Today 119 decorations were given out. The 4 line companies combined received 49 decorations and Headquarters Co. (clerks, truck drivers, switchboard men, etc. received the rest, 70 awards.

For 23 months I’ve kept my mouth shut and thereby kept out of trouble. I don’t know how much longer I can continue to do so. I’m afraid that if things don’t start looking up soon, I’ll go berserk. I’ll bet my squad alone has worn out 20 decks of cards during the past 2 weeks playing solitaire.

I’m too riled to write a decent letter but I will request some candy, juice, cookies and so forth. To make matters worse the food’s atrocious anymore.

Best Love,

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